VR wont be the new compute platform - AR will dominate Dudley Nevill-SpencerMarch 11, 2022AR, AI, smart glasses, vrComment
My new Artificial Intelligence Insight tool for the Hospitality Industry artificial intelligence, big data, brand strategy, machine learningDudley Nevill-SpencerJuly 31, 2020AI, artificial intelligence, strategy, marketing strategy, machine learningComment
"Always on" makes us mentally ill, design ethics are the answer advertising, artificial intelligence, big data, brand strategy, influencer marketingDudley Nevill-SpencerSeptember 27, 2018influencer, influencer marketing, influencer strategy, AI, ai, art, big, social media, big data, facebook, instagram Comment
Brand Values are the cornerstone of Influencer marketing Dudley Nevill-SpencerAugust 31, 2018influencer, influcenr marketing, influencer strategy, influencer agency, virtual influencers, big data, ai, AI Comment
Will new Crypto platforms reduce Advertising & Media agency revenues? Read More artificial intellignce, big data, brand strategy, democracy, facebook, influencer marketing, old media, traditional mediaDudley Nevill-SpencerMay 24, 2018influencer, influencer strategy, strategy, marketing strategy, crypto, adhive, AI, mar tech, ad techComment