PODCAST: I Talked to Hip Hop title Genius about AI powered Virtual Humans and AI developed music

I had a great talk with the very cool Jacques Morel from Hip Hop title Genius about AI making its way into the world of rap.

We talked about the need for a code of ethics to ensure that Ai characters are not confused as humans, and that as AI is make very good music, it should be credited, like a collaborator. We've seen OpenAI producing songs reminiscent of popular artists like Katy Perry and in the rap scene, Space150 created a buzz in 2020 with their project TravisBott. Now, Factory New's FN Meka aims to be the first "robot rapper." and for me, he’s the best example of a manufactured artists to date - his content is way cool. .

This article was first published in a couple of years ago but talks about why ands how Ai is becoming core to music and feels more apt than ever, particularly as new AI powered music tools democratise the music making process.

Dudley Nevill-Spencer