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Why do brands rarely support authentic creators on the rise?

January 20, 2017


Something brands often ask for is an Influencer programme that will engage their customers in an authentic way, that has a "legacy" and to also builds relationships of trust with Creators and Influencers. 

If they are looking to engage specifically with "creators" the discussion about Scale of Influence will often arise. I always recommend that part of that strategy should be to engage with those who have a low following today, but we are confident that in a years time they will have a stronger online following / be a household name. By brands supporting them at this nascent point, four things will happen. First, the Influencer will love the brand for supporting them and their fans will too. The cost will also be low and the brand is likely to get better, cheaper deals once the Influencer has popped - out of a sense of loyalty.

Yet, over 85% of our recommendations are knocked back. These is the same with bloggers who or actors, musicians, fashion designers and models.

Why is this? The cost is low, I have a scientific process that means i'm right roughly 70% - 80% time and a string track record.

I think it's because of two reasons. Firstly, marketing team turnover.  What's the point in putting a legacy plan together and building real relationship with Influencers if you are going to be in a different role in 18 months - better to go for the sugar rush now and book some likes and engagement during this quarter with some bigger names - even if this strategy doesn't have the same kind of authenticity or long term value for the brand.

Secondly, risk. Your relying on our advice - what if we are wrong - will you look silly for backing the strategy?

Well my answer to this is that you can't afford to not engage. As Millennials become more dominant they will eat alive any company that brand slaps, in fact they will eat alive any Influencer who brand slaps - just look at all the negative comments when an influencer does an advertisement that doesn't seem authentic... the period of quick fixes is fast losing its effectiveness. 

The only way for the kind of considered, long term, authentic Influencer integration strategies to really be backed by marketing teams is for it to be led from the top down, for the CEO to demand and judge his teams on utilising a more considered, grass roots, authentic Influencer engagement programme. Sure brands should still use big Influencers to aid message distribution, but for brand love, its micro and real partnerships that count.

So bear this in mind when you look a our new music picks for 2017, they might not have massive followers now, but they will, and the small investment you make today, will repay itself massively.

Dudley Nevill-Spencer