Influencer marketing and data standardisation influencer marketingDudley Nevill-SpencerOctober 16, 2019influencer marketing, data, strategy, big data Comment
Expect to hear Chinese Rap on your radio soon.. advertising, brand strategyDudley Nevill-SpencerJuly 31, 2018influencer marketing, entertainment, influencer agency, higher brothers, 88rising, music, instagram, youtube Comment
Your Brand wants to work with an Influencer with real purpose? Then check out rapper "Logic" Dudley Nevill-SpencerJanuary 29, 2018influencer marketing, logic, rapper, influencer agency, creator marketing, culture marketing, entertainmentComment
Why do brands rarely support authentic creators on the rise? Dudley Nevill-SpencerJanuary 23, 2018 Comment
The top 5 female led OSCAR / BAFTA films you need to watch this is the excerpt area.. Read More Dudley Nevill-SpencerJanuary 20, 2018 Comment